Thursday 22 May 2014

Upgrading Manjaro Linux 2014 part 2

So yes I went to the net today to find ways of getting out of this mess. I had to 1st tell myself that I will not, never go back to windows. I want control over my environment. And I will make it.

So I checked if pacman will work when I try to install Blender, And the download was successful I'm not sure though if it did install.

So ya I'm confident that it's all working just fine, but still how will I get rid of the error. packman isn't perfect, and I don't want to use the terminal, I know it's one area of Linux that has been thoroughly refined.

The I installed Gimp Help

So when I go and search for the installed applications I can't find them, so where are they kanti.

I think that its very important that pacman must work very well because the use of a terminal  makes it look as if Linux is for geeks, and this is not the case. Linux is so well refined its the biggest free Project ever created by man

It takes a lot to go through the development life circle (SDLC), and the Linux developers are doing this without making millions like Macintosh or Windows.

So I personally am very impressed with how far Linux has come, and I like that it's easy to do anything, that everything is available and to everything there are options available.

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