Friday, 13 June 2014

Web evelopment choice

I'm trying to figure out which web IDE to spend most of my time on. So I have been looking at website reviews to find out. I want to develop web applications because that's where we're all going in terms of development and most companies I've worked for are solemnly depended on the network. Internal or eternal.

So gaining more stealth in the development of web based applications is key, whether its designing a photo Editor or a media player the web is where its all happening.

So PHP is 1st, I have learned that it will be a lot of work to learn this 1st because its mostly designed for back-end and less so for Front end. because I'm starting of its better that I start with front-end so that I can see early what I'm working on looks like. I think its very important that I see early what I'm working on. The second language I'd have to mater for back end will probably be C++ or PHP.

And the reason I won't choose JavaScript which is the best programming language for web development, is because of the costs involved. Most development tools such as IntelliSense, Visual Studio which is strictly windows, come at a price, low prices, but I'm not in a position to be spending, I'm really just beginning. Oh wait I'm a Linux user. So I want everything free.

Then there is Eclipse which used to be good until the arrival of the commercial options such as well all of them: KOMODO, Sublime Text and WebStorm. using Eclipse which a large download is just a waist of time.

Netbeans is slow and will require a lot of work to link to CSS and HTML, and how will the web applications look No! Netbeans sucks.

So it's clear JavaScript costs and therefore my second option

Ruby on Rails
One thing I like about Ruby on Rails which is based on Ruby is that it looks like nothing I've ever used before, I mean Java looks like C++ which looks like C and Python, but Ruby is deference and I thing I'll find my breakthrough.

There is Sublime Text 2 which has a lot of promise, available for Linux, it looks really good on their website. Together with VIM they are recommended highly on the ruby-forum. And there are talks about a text editor vs IDE, and Firstly I won't be installing any IDE's just a text editor, so for starters I will install Sublime Text 2.

So I choose sublime text 2 which is new to me, so I'm very exited about the experiences I will go through.

Choose Linux

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