Sunday 18 May 2014

what Linux can do to minimize all the crashes to maximize stability

Linux is well known for not working up to expectations, but you know there are simple things that the distro makers can do to eliminate this inconvenience for ever. It's some thing that already exists but has not been perfected.

Distributions are available for different architectures, some will run on a 32 bit and other on a 64 bit processor, and this creates the stability and makes things easier for the user to install and use a distributions based on yhis feature they understand.

Now most hardware is different and the one challenge Linux has is to make it's OS's to run without any trouble in all hardware, but this is not a realistic goal. Because even Microsoft cant run on all hardware, well you cant install windows on you Play station device can you.

Why is Android successful__its simple 1. it's because it come preinstalled with the device you purchase whether its a phone or tablet, so you get it out of the box, but another important reason is that android is already made to work on that particular hardware. Its like this the Play Station (Hardware) has been made to work on the installed software and there is no it can't crash or have challenges of the magnitude Linux is having.

Now image this, If Linux was making their own Hardware and preinstalling the Linux distributions with that hardware, it would be an instant success no doubt.

Have every version of you distro configured to work on specific Hardware and specify in the website which packages come preinstalled on each. Let me explain feather, currently before you download an ISO image of a distribution you have a couple of choices based on your Hardware namely x86 or x86_64 I'm saving take that even feather and specify the monitor type and monitor, the hard-drive including RAM and even other output devices like your speaker and printer.

This would create a lot of ISO images to choose from but it this would be be made simple as well.

So on the website you can have a list of all hardware that is supported and have the user search then tip the ones relevant to his hardware needs, this will display the distribution that will work in your system. You choose that and you're good to go

Again if its stability we are after and not just availability then then we have to make sure that we stop inconveniencing users out there. And start taking Linux users seriously.

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